Thursday, March 27, 2014

Is the trinity Biblical?

First of all, the idea of a trinity is not uniquely Christian. Many other religions, including Hinduism, Egyptian religion, Phoenician religion, classical Greek religion, Roman religion, Celtic religion, and others had trinities. The idea of the trinity is not mentioned at all in the Bible. The claim that "elohim" is a plurality, therefore refers to a plural deity, is not at all supported by the Bible or by the Hebrew language, and in fact should make Christians worship *at least* SIX gods, not three:
(Sorry, this video comes in at the middle of a thought, but it makes a good point). The idea of a trinity contradicts Deuteronomy 6:4--"Hear, o Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one." The idea of the trinity is also illogical. There is no Biblical support for the idea of the trinity, nor is there any support for it before the fourth century.

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