Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sinat Chinam and Exile

Baseless hatred. Every Jew with even the smallest Talmud learning knows that this is the reason given in Yoma 9B for the destruction of the temple. Baseless hatred is the reason that we were thrown out of the Holy Land, baseless hatred is the reason that we incurred Divine wrath. To bring blessings upon ourselves and end this curse, we are told that we must rectify this: We must cease from baseless hatred.

Yet have we?

All I ask is that you watch these clips, and think. Really think.


  1. Thanks for posting these videos. I was a Zionist for a long time before really opening my eyes and examining the situation from both sides. I'm glad that you are sharing your unique perspective via this blog. I'd love to ask you some more questions about your own journey into Islam, but I'm sure you've already been asked them about a thousand times before.

  2. It's never a bother, you can feel free to ask away! I made another post with my Google+ ID; that's a good way to contact me if you have more private questions.

  3. Sinat Chinam against jews.

    not Bnei amaleq who have Sworn to kill jews.

    and not Idol worshippers who have not accepted the Noahide fact it is a duty to make the land free of them.

    this is not a hatred wich is ''Baseless''!

    you may bring up rambams ''opinion''(again a opinion is not Halacha!)
    that mohammedans are monotheists,but they are NOT he made that clear in hilchos melachim.

  4. These people aren't representative of Judaism; there's lunatics like that in any large group of people, unfortunately. But there's so many peace organizations and co-existence organizations. There's crazies like this on both sides unfortunately, but I believe that many people just want to live in peace.

    Have a look at Combatants for Peace, which is comprised of ex-IDF soldiers and ex-Palestinian militants who have denounced a violent solution. And the Jewish Voice for Peace organization, and The Parents Circle-Families Forum (which is an organization dedicated to peace, comprised of the families of victims of people who died from violence, on both sides). Oh and Seeds of Peace, which is pretty much the best co-existence organization ever.

    Crazy horrible people like the ones in this video aren't just an embarrassment to Israel, they're an embarrassment to the human race :( But there's a LOT of good people on both sides.


Please comment! Keep in mind to be respectful, though. I don't have enough time in my day to deal with people who are just going to curse.