Monday, January 18, 2010

Things Zionists Don't Want You To Know Part 3: Zionist Terrorists

The crimes of the Zionist machine began soon after its inception. The Zionist machine was willing to kill anyone that stood in its way, including Jews. About twenty-five years after the Zionist movement was started by Theodor Herzl, Dr. Yaakov Yisrael de Haan, Dutch Jewish author, was martyred by the Zionist organization Haganah.
Starting in 1937, Irgun committed crimes against Palestinians, Jews, and British individuals living in Palestine, many of them civilians. In July of 1938 alone, at least 91 individuals, five of them Jews, were murdered by Irgun. In 1939 nearly 70 individuals were killed by Irgun. In 1946, Irgun bombed the King David Hotel, killing 91 and injuring 46. Seventeen of those killed were Arab Jews. In 1947 113 individuals were killed by Irgun, and 130 more injured.
In 1948, 107 Palestinian civilians were killed by Irgun in the Deir Yassin Massacre. Some Jews protested these actions, but then left for their homes to prepare for Shabbat. The lives of innocent men, women, and children were less important even to those of the Jews who protested the killings then keeping customs, although Jewish law does permit breaking the Sabbath to save life. Therefore, some of the "prisoners"--the elderly, women and children--were taken to Jerusalem and butchered.
Lehi was a similar terrorist organization. In 1944, Lehi assassinated Lord Moyne in Cairo. In 1947, Lehi drove a truckload of explosives into a British police station in Haifa killing four and injuring 140. In 1948 Lehi bombed trains, killing 68 and wounding 95. In the same year, Lehi assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte.
The Jewish Defense League's stated goal is "to protect Jews from antisemitism by whatever means necessary." It is recognized by the United State's Federal Bureau of Investigation as a terrorist organization. In November 1970, the JDL bombed the Manhattan offices of the Soviet airline Aeroflot. In 1972, two JDL members were arrested on charges that they attempted to bomb the Soviet Mission to the United Nations. In 1972 they killed the Jewish secretary of music impresario Sol Hurok. In the 1980s the JDL was involved in 6 other bombings. In 2001 JDL members were arrested and charged with attempting to bomb a California mosque.
Kach and Kahane Chai are also considered terrorist organizations. In 1994, a Kach supporter killed 29 people in a mosque in Hebron. Group leaders have been indicted multiple times for incitement to racism, incitement to murder, attempted bombings, and more.
In addition, there have been terrorist attacks by non-affiliated Zionists, notably Yaakov Teitel. All those who bear the ideology of racial superiority and "peace through violence" are a threat not only to Arabs and Muslims, but to fellow Jews and the world.

1 comment:

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