Monday, February 17, 2014

Confessions of an Asexual Muslim

I don't see what the big deal is about sex. It hold absolutely no appeal to fact, it's revolting. It's tough being an asexual Muslim because Islam is the religion most concerned with your sex life. People constantly ask me if I'm satisfied with my sex life. I tell them I am, even tho to be honest I'm more than satisfied with my lack of a sex life. Some people feel that I'm asexual because I was sexually abused by men and a woman as a minor. I don't think that's true; it may be, but I don't believe it is. Maybe that's a part of it, but I don't think that's all of it.
I feel alone as an asexual Muslim. I want other asexual Muslim friends but so far I haven't found any. I found plenty of support for LGBT Muslims, tho.  Apparently all the asexuals but me are on Tumblr. Should I start to figure out Tumblr? I don't really see the need, I mean I hardly ever check on my Twitter, got off of Facebook, and really only use Google Plus to chat with people anymore. I'm not really into social networking. I used to be but now I'm more interested in just talking to people. I want good, close friends.
Also, I apparently only develop crushes on older guys. Like, old enough to be my dad. I have a mad crush on Shahrukh Khan. He's 48. It feels weird to know he's old enough to be my parent. Is that normal? I don't even know. Maybe it's my really bad daddy issues. My daddy was never there for me, boofuckinghoo. It's not really his fault, he has paranoid schizophrenia and one of his paranoias is psychiatrists, so he has never been medicated. Well, he was briefly medicated after a run-in with police back in the 70s, but that's another story.
This post doesn't really have a point. It's just here. Like a blob of goo or something.


  1. Salaam Safiyya, I'm an asexual muslim and I can relate to your bipolar because I'm schizophrenic myself, taking Invega (3mg). It definitely IS a lonely place out there for muslim asexuals though you should know there's another blog ( by a muslim asexual. I find it relieving that marriages of convenience are being done and (seemingly) can work as I want children and a wife. I just wanted to thank you for being out there and giving us all a voice and a model (blog + marriage of convenience) to follow, it blazes a path to follow. I truly didn't know what I would do about marriage until I found out about marriages of saver!!!

  2. Assalam aleykoum,

    I'm a sister. I wanted to thank you. I've been searching for people like me on the net and it's a relief to see that I'm not alone! ^^

    Fi Amanillah

  3. Ya, it honestly sucks. I really have no interest in marriage whatsoever, but my parents keep pressuring me into it. They keep telling me about how miserable my life would be without a husband etc. That's so frustrating!

  4. oh dear! I am not alone :) alhamdulillah

  5. Yes! Exactly. But it is said in Islam that if you are not sexually attracted to anyone, and won't be able to satisfy anyone because of this, you shouldn't get married to some one who does have sexual needs. I think its important that Muslims become more aware of asexuality so that we don't force people into fulfilling marriages.

  6. The last bit made me laugh so much! Haha x


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