Monday, February 17, 2014

Evolution in Islam

Now I'm pretty sure this post is going to lose me a lot of friends, but please read it all the way through before you hit the "unfriend" button. The short summary is: Evolution is a fact. Get over it.
This video is a good introduction. Evolution has occurred and continues to occur:

Allah is Al-Bari, the Evolver. Islam is THE religion that can boast that it likes science. I don't understand why so many people are against this simple scientific fact. I think probably they're against it because they don't understand it, so I'm opening up my blog for people to ask questions about evolution. I'm no biologist, but I know a thing or two from listening to them. I was going to post some evolution FAQs but they fled my mind. Whatever, I'll do that when you ask the questions. Oh yeah. We didn't evolve from chimpanzees. Like the video says, we share a more primitive common ancestor with chimpanzees. The eye evolved like this: 

Humans have many vestigial organs, like the appendix, the coccyx, and wisdom teeth. That's all the FAQs I can think of but I'm sure you guys will generate more.
I believe that Allah (swt) created the first life, and then used evolution to create more complex forms like us. Thanks for your time. I hope you enjoyed this little deviation from the norm. I probably won't post very many more articles like this; I'm going back to comparative theology in my very next blog post [Jesus: Died for our sins?].


  1. Thanks - look forward to watching these later - I know so very little about science (having been raised - and homeschooled - in a 100% Creationist/ID Evangelical family for whom evolution was heresy), and have only ever heard one side of the 'argument'. That being said, I'm very curious to hear the other side, and compare notes. I don't really fall into one camp or the other, since I'm not a scientist and haven't studied it at all, but I do find it odd that so many brilliant minds would subscribe to a theory if it were so obviously false (as portrayed by the science textbooks I grew up with :P). Again, looking forward to educating myself a little more.

  2. I was shocked I found that so many Muslims think the big bang and evolutionary theory are kaffir heretical.
    I mean Allah unfolded creation creation like a carpet and will roll it back up at the end of time- that sounds like a bangles big bang to me.He said when he began creation that although he can do anything,the universe is ruled by laws and he will follow them and everything will occur by natural processes.I don't see how evolution conflicts with that.
    But I have an open mind and like to think for myself,so me and organized religion are strange bedfellows.


Please comment! Keep in mind to be respectful, though. I don't have enough time in my day to deal with people who are just going to curse.